The Challenge this month is the butterfly swirl, and boy, did I chew up my data watching those videos over and over again!! Basically, it is a kind of drop swirl, then you get your hanger tool and do some fancy moves with it to get the butterfly. When 2 soaps are placed side by side, they should look like a butterfly! Hmmmmm.....I got some aliens, and some bug like creatures....not sure about butterflies!! The best butterfly I got was in my test run....1 colour, Lavender patchouli Essential oils......
So , after my success with my practice run, I got a little ambitious, and decided that I would do a rainbow butterfly! Yes......6 of them the base colour and the rest I used as the swirl colours.
Here is my hanger tool.....I used electrical tape to tape chopsticks to my hanger.....worked a treat!
So my Rainbow Soap is fragranced with a mix of Energy and Kumquat FO's. I used the following micas:
Yellow: Lemon Mica
Red: Ruby Red
Orange: Peach sunset
Blue: Blue kamikaze
Purple: Cosmo Martini
Green: Golden Green
Here are my colours all mixed and ready. I used the yellow as my base colour and the rest for the swirls.
Everything went pretty much according to plan, finished the top and put the thing to bed!
Here are the results. I must say I am quite pleased with how this turned out....not really sure if they are butterflies or not, but the effect is pretty cool.
I like the way you get a totally different picture depending on which way you put the soaps together...the next 2 photos are the same pair of soaps.
This one kind of looks lie a skull in the middle! :)
Anyway....I totally had fun doing this technique. I have since done it a couple of more times, just because I can! I really like the swirls this generates....definitely something I will pull out every now and then.....
Well that's it for now.......until next month
Dianne :)