Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Soap Challenge : Column Pour

Hi there!  Well it's the silly season, and I wasn't sure I would have time to do this month's challenge from Great Cakes Soapworks, but I made time!!  I had tried the column pour on one occasion before this challenge, and it was a total disaster!  So I was pretty excited to see this as the challenge soap for this month.  I will admit, my first attempt was not so great, mixture got really thick by the end, and it got really bad glycerin rivers......I had to try again.

This is where I tell you that I totally forgot to take during photos of the process!  I chose an Essential Oil blend of Lavender, Lime and Lemon.  With this blend I was able to choose the colors of purple, yellow and green.  I chose a recipe with Coconut, Palm, Olive and Sunflower Oils, and it stayed a nice fluid consistency the whole pour!  For my colors I used micas, Cosmo Martini, Lemon and Shamrock Green.  Covered one of the kid's blocks in plastic and placed it it the mold.  Here it is after the skewer pull through....

I was pretty pleased with how it looked at this stage, crossed my fingers, and put it to bed for a few days while we went away for the weekend!  Then came the unmolding and the cutting, and I was pleasantly surprised!  The bars look really quite good, all different, and the colors look good together!  Here are a few photos of the cut bars.....

I had so much fun doing this technique, and I think I would do it again, now I have a proper slab mold.  Thanks Amy for putting on the challenge.....had a ball!  Can't wait to see everyone else's creations, and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS everybody!  Catch you all in 2014.
Bye for now
Dianne  :)